
 Every massage is tailored to the individual based on pain/muscle tension, postural alignment, patterns of use, training etc. I use a combination of Myofascial Release, Deep Tissue, Neuromuscular Therapy/Trigger Point Therapy and Sports Massage. The massage may include at no extra charge, heat therapy, dry needling, kinesiotaping and/or Theragun.

Myofascial Release

It is amazing the results that can be achieved by freeing up areas of pain and tension with Myofascial Release. Fascia has been described as 'The binding web', or your 'soft skeleton', it is layers of connective tissue, which are connected from your head to toe, covering every surface in your body down to cellular level. It lubricates, insulates and connects the structures in your body. Like a “pull” in a sweater, the effects of ongoing tension and strain are thought to build over time. Abnormal pressures may tighten or bind fascia to underlying structures, causing adhesions. Even though they don’t show up on diagnostic tests, these restrictions can stiffen joints and contribute to restricted motion, numbness, tingling, and pain.
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