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shotover remedial massage, Hanna Wakeling, 2020

What can the Theragun do for me?

I love my Theragun and I often recommend them to my clients, not as a stand alone treatment, but as a supplement to regular physical therapies: massage, osteopathy, chiropractic, physiotherapy, or whatever works for you! The Theragun stands out in terms of self care at home in that it is empowering to find something that can really make a difference to how your soft tissue feels and is very effective in easing muscle tension. I really enjoy using it in my Remedial Massage practice, as it allows me to achieve more by releasing muscle quickly so that I can get in deeper in a shorter period of time.

This is all very great, but how does the Theragun actually work? 

The Theragun is designed to “talk with the nervous system” using three key combinations:

Amplitude: How deep does it go? (The Theragun goes 16mm)
Frequency: How quickly does it pulse? (The Theragun uses 2400 pulses per minute on high and 1750 on low speed)
Torque: How much pressure until it stalls out? (The Theragun delivers up to 60 pounds of force! Not that you need to, or should be, pressing that hard!)

When you put all three of these together, it will result in a top-grade percussive therapy device.

Percussive therapy, also known as percussion therapy, is a form of soft tissue manipulation intended to reduce muscle soreness and increase range of motion. It is a deep muscle treatment that delivers rapid and long vertical strokes into the muscle, causing a neuromuscular response.

So, some of the benefits we can expect to see from the Theragun are, reduced pain, increased blood flow, decrease in lactic acid, release of muscle spasm, increased lymphatic flow, increased range of motion and they also claim to be able to break up scar tissue.

I find the Theragun particularly effective on large muscles, glutes, quads, hamstrings, etc. I also love using it on the hip flexor, ITB, glute, quadriceps interface to help free up both the muscle and create space in the fascia around these. Fantastic for athletes and it can be used both pre exercise to help warm the muscles and post to help release the muscles and to shift some of the lactic acid trapped within!

So there you have it, what the Theragun can do, in a nutshell. Obviously so much more than what I have mentioned, but that gives some idea. If you are interested in getting a Theragun for home, let me know as I can give you a 10% discount code. Check them out online at as there are various models, from the Mini to the Pro and a few in-between!

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